Train YOLACT with a Custom COCO Dataset


In this tutorial, we will train YOLACT with a custom COCO dataset.

YOLACT is a state of the art, real-time, single shot object segmentation algorithm detailed in these papers:

Big thanks to the authors: Daniel Bolya, Chong Zhou, Fanyi Xiao, Yong Jae Lee!

I didn’t create the YOLACT code, so if you find bugs, make sure to submit them on GitHub.

Important Notes

  • If you’re looking for how to train YOLACT on Windows 10, you’ve come to the right place.

  • If you’re looking for how to train YOLACT on Mac or Linux, these instructions should work pretty much exactly the same, however I’m currently using Windows.

  • Unfortunately you won’t be able to train on Google Colab. Colab times out and resets if you leave it training too long.

  • You will need a fairly powerful computer with a CUDA capable GPU. I’m using a desktop PC with an NVidia RTX 2070.

Custom COCO Dataset

There are three options you can take with this tutorial:

  1. Create your own COCO style dataset. Check out: Create COCO Annotations From Scratch

  2. Bring an existing COCO style dataset.

  3. Use the Cigarette Butt Dataset below.

Whichever you choose, make sure it’s annotated in COCO format and that you have a json file of annotations for both training and validation images as well as a separate directory of images for each. Read more at

Cigarette Butt Dataset

In this tutorial, I’m using a synthetic dataset I created from scratch. It is COCO-like or COCO-style, meaning it is annotated the same way that the COCO dataset is, but it doesn’t have any images from the real COCO dataset. It was created by randomly pasting cigarette butt photo foregrounds over top of background photos I took of the ground near my house.


Interested in how I created the dataset?

Learn more here: Training an AI to Recognize Cigarette Butts

Download YOLACT

You will need to clone or download the YOLACT Github repository.

  • Go to

  • Click the green Clone or download button

  • Either download the .zip file or clone the repo using git

  • If you download the .zip file, make sure to extract it

YOLACT Config File

  • Open yolact/data/

  • Find the “DATASETS” section and add the “cig_butts_dataset” to the end

  • We are just overwriting some variables form “dataset_base”, so make sure your custom dataset definition comes after that

  • Make sure to replace <path to dataset> with the path to your dataset

# ----------------------- DATASETS ----------------------- #

cig_butts_dataset = dataset_base.copy({
  'name': 'Immersive Limit - Cigarette Butts',
  'train_info': '<path to dataset>/cig_butts/train/coco_annotations.json',
  'train_images': '<path to dataset>/cig_butts/train/images/',
  'valid_info': '<path to dataset>/cig_butts/val/coco_annotations.json',
  'valid_images': '<path to dataset>/cig_butts/val/images/',
  'class_names': ('cig_butt'),
  'label_map': { 1:  1 }
  • Find the “YOLACT v1.0 CONFIGS” section and add the “yolact_resnet50_cig_butts_config” to the end

  • Again, we are overwriting some variables from “yolact_resnet50_config”, so make sure your custom config comes after that

# ----------------------- YOLACT v1.0 CONFIGS ----------------------- #

yolact_resnet50_cig_butts_config = yolact_resnet50_config.copy({
    'name': 'yolact_plus_resnet50_cig_butts',
    # Dataset stuff
    'dataset': cig_butts_dataset,
    'num_classes': len(cig_butts_dataset.class_names) + 1,

    # Image Size
    'max_size': 512,

Why not YOLACT++? Because it takes a dependency on DCNv2 and I haven’t had time to test that path yet. If you’re interested, try it out and let me know how it goes!

Anaconda Setup

While there are other ways to install Python, I find that Anaconda is the easiest way to manage multiple Python environments. It’s completely free and works on Windows, Mac, and Linux

Anaconda Environment Setup

Once Anaconda is installed, you will need to set up a new environment for ML-Agents.

This will create a new Python 3.7 environment called “yolact”. Nothing special about the name yolact at this point, it’s just informative.

  • Type “y” and press Enter to proceed

  • Follow the instructions to activate the environment. In my case, I ran

    conda activate yolact
  • Confirm that the environment is active by looking for “(yolact)” on the left side of the command prompt

  • Change directories to the yolact directory that you downloaded from GitHub

Now we’ll install some necessary libraries.


  • On Windows, you have to install Visual C++ 2015 build tools first

  • Then just run this command:

    pip install git+


Anaconda makes it pretty easy to install pytorch with a minimal CUDA toolkit

  • Run this command:

    conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch


To train, you will need an imagenet-pretrained model. I can pretty much guarantee that you do not want to train this from scratch. Transfer Learning is your friend. Look it up if you’re confused.

  • Download resnet50-19c8e357.pth from here.

  • Put the .pth file into the yolact/weights folder

At this point, training should be really easy! The following command should start training.

python ./ --config=yolact_resnet50_cig_butts_config

Allow training to run for a while. I think I left mine for a few hours and decided to stop it when I got the following mAP values:

Calculating mAP...

       |  all  |  .50  |  .55  |  .60  |  .65  |  .70  |  .75  |  .80  |  .85  |  .90  |  .95  |
   box | 87.95 | 99.94 | 99.94 | 99.94 | 99.94 | 99.94 | 98.96 | 98.76 | 95.10 | 79.27 |  7.78 |
  mask | 84.56 | 99.94 | 99.94 | 99.94 | 99.94 | 99.94 | 99.94 | 98.60 | 93.64 | 53.43 |  0.27 |

I’ll be honest, I haven’t taken the time to really understand what this table means, but I see a lot of high 90s, so that seems good. 🤷‍♂️

  • When it’s looking good, you can stop the training early with Ctrl + C.

  • It should save a new .pth file in the yolact/weights folder

This file contains your trained weights. In my case, it was



Now you can evaluate the network on a directory of images.

  • Run the following command

  • Make sure to replace the trained_model with your .pth file

  • Make sure to replace <path to dataset> with the path to your dataset

python --trained_model=./weights/yolact_resnet50_cig_butts_278_69684_interrupt.pth --config=yolact_resnet50_cig_butts_config --score_threshold=0.3 --top_k=15 --images=<path to dataset>/cig_butts/real_test:output_images

My results weren’t perfect on real images, but for my first attempt, I’m pretty impressed. I’m sure you can do better if you experiment!


Hopefully you found this tutorial helpful! Now that you have a trained neural net, you can run it in Google Colab or wherever else you’d like. Here’s a tutorial for how to run YOLACT++ inference in Google Colab.


Want to create a custom dataset?

👉Check out the Courses page for a complete, end to end course on creating a COCO dataset from scratch.