Create a Bounding Box from a Segmentation Mask in Python

If you have a segmentation mask and want to convert it to a bounding box using Python, this tutorial should help. This tutorial assumes your segmentation mask is an image with black pixels as background and some shade of gray or white as foreground.

For example, (while not required to use this tutorial) if you are taking our course on 3D Rendered Datasets in Blender for Beginners — Immersive Limit, you may want to create segmentations using this method: Image Segmentation with Blender 2.83 - YouTube. Then you can use the code below to create bounding boxes. You may also find this tutorial helpful to understand RLE encoding: Run Length Encoding - YouTube

A bounding box is a rectangular box that completely encloses an object in an image. We will use OpenCV to open the image and then Numpy to efficiently calculate the bounding box. The advantage of Numpy is the speed of calculation. While it is possible to do this by reading pixels individually, Python is far slower than the underlying C code Numpy uses.

import numpy as np
import cv2

# Insert your code here to create/fetch your segmentation image
# My code was set up in Blender to output a segmentation png like this:
# seg_path = output_path / 'Segmentation_1.png'

# Read in the image with OpenCV
im = cv2.imread(str(seg_path), 0)

# Segmentation color value (in Blender this is likely your pass index)
seg_value = 1

if im is not None:
    np_seg = np.array(im)
    segmentation = np.where(np_seg == seg_value)

    # Bounding Box
    bbox = 0, 0, 0, 0
    if len(segmentation) != 0 and len(segmentation[1]) != 0 and len(segmentation[0]) != 0:
        x_min = int(np.min(segmentation[1]))
        x_max = int(np.max(segmentation[1]))
        y_min = int(np.min(segmentation[0]))
        y_max = int(np.max(segmentation[0]))

        bbox = x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max

        # Do what you need to do with the bbox, for example add it to your annotation file
    # Handle error case where segmentation image cannot be read or is empty
    print("Error: Segmentation image could not be read or is empty.")


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